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Aperi Community Meetings

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Dial-in number:

Toll Free: 877-421-0033 ; International: 770-615-1250 ; Passcode: 10312005

Default schedule:

- Monthly, Thursday 5-6pm ET/2-3pm PT

The Agenda will be posted prior to the next call.

Upcoming meetings:

Monthly meeting: Sept 25, 5:30-6:30 PM EST
Aperi Marketing Community Monthly Meeting
Audio Conference Access Numbers
USA: 1-877-421-0033,Tie-Line 421-0033
Passcode: 10312005
ITN: 2-421-0033
USA: 770-615-1250


  1. Marketing Topics
    • Fall SNW Planning
      • For Fall SNW, going to try the TechEdge route
      • Looking for volunteers to staff the booth and give a 10 minute talk
  2. Development - Review Plans and Status for Aperi M0.5 slides
  3. Workgroup Update slides
    Summary of where we are for the workgroups: Launch in Context Standardisation and Production Ready Task Force. In each section we will discuss a quick status, describe the current activities, and provide insight into the next steps that we'll be taking (along with rough milestones)

Key Documents Under Discussion

Aperi Workgroup Status

SNW Planning Dashboard

SNW Sponsorship Agreement

Benefit Charts for Recruiting Vendors

Proposed Document Review and Approval Process

Minutes from previous meetings:

2008.09.25 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting September 25, 2008

2008.08.28 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting August 28, 2008

2008.07.31 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting July 31, 2008

2008.06.26 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting June 26, 2008

2008.05.01 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting May 1, 2008

2008.03.27 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting March 27, 2008

2008.03.20 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting March 20, 2008

2008.02.28 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting February 28, 2008

2008.01.31 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting January 31, 2008

2008.01.24 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting January 24, 2008

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2007.11.29 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting November 29, 2007

2007.9.27 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting September 27, 2007

2007.9.13 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting September 13, 2007

2007.8.30 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting August 30, 2007

2007.8.16 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting August 16, 2007

2007.5.24 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting May 24, 2007

2007.5.09 Meeting was combined with the Aperi architecture meeting to discuss a possible Web conference around the Aperi 0.3 release code

2007.4.12 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting April 12, 2007

2007.3.29 No meeting was held

2007.3.15 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting March 15, 2007

2007.2.21 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting February 21, 2007

2007.2.08 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting February 8th, 2007

2007.1.11 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting January 11th, 2007

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2006.12.14 Agenda and minutes for Community meeting December 14th, 2006

2006.12.07 No Community meeting held on December 7th, 2006

2006.11.30 Agenda for Community meeting November 30th, 2006, plus meeting minutes

2006.11.23 No Community meeting held on November 23rd, 2006

2006.11.16 No Community meeting held on November 16th, 2006

2006.11.09 Agenda for Community meeting November 9th, 2006, plus Meeting Minutes

2006.11.02 No Community meeting held on November 2nd, 2006

2006.10.26 No Community meeting held on October 26th, 2006

2006.10.19 Agenda & Meeting Minutes for Community Meeting on October 19th, 2006

2006.10.12 No Community meeting held on October 12th, 2006

2006.10.05 No Community meeting held on October 5th, 2006

2006.09.28 No Community meeting held on September 28th, 2006

2006.09.21 No Community meeting held on September 21st, 2006

2006.09.14 Agenda & Meeting Minutes for Community Meeting on September 14th, 2006

2006.09.07 No Community Meeting held on September 7th, 2006

2006.08.31 Minutes from Community Meeting on August 31st, 2006

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