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Community meeting November 30th, 2006

Aperi participants,

Our next Aperi Marketing call is scheduled as follows.

Thursday November 9th Call-in info:

Time: 2-3pm PT/5-6 pm ET

1-866-617-3597, Intl: 210-795-0625, Passcode: 6121165

We have the following items on our Agenda. Please let me know if you have anything else to add:

  1. Confirm primary marketing contacts and meeting participants as listed below - All
  2. Confirm next meetings should be Dec 14th, Jan 11th and Jan 25th - All
  3. Discuss any new thoughts on roles and responsibilities - All
  4. Review 2007 most important activities based on community feedback and discuss items that need decisions in next 30-45 days - Allen Marin to provide strawman
  5. SNIA Alliance Status - Brenda

Primary Aperi Marketing contacts:

  • Brocade: Steve Wilson, (Mario Blandini providing off-line input)
  • CA: tbd
  • Cisco: Doug Anderson
  • Emulex: John Dobyns
  • Fujitsu: Iwatani-san and/or Yoshida-san?
  • LSI: Steve Gardner
  • IBM: Brenda Haynes and Allen Marin
  • McData: Joe Pelissier or Doug Ingraham?
  • NetApp: VS Joshi
  • Novell: Alan Clark

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