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VJET/Building from Source

Please Note: Some software installation requires specific versions. For example, Maven 3 and JDK 1.6 are required. If you want to build from Eclipse, an Eclipse version with PDE support is required.

Git Client Setup


VJET source code

Clone one of the VJET repos. The main vjet repo is

git clone --recursive git://

Maven Setup

1. Install maven 3: []
2. Setup Environment Variables:

on mac:

 export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m

on windows:

PATH=[maven 3 location];%PATH%
MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m
JAVA_HOME=[JDK 1.6 location]

3. Install the Maven settings.xml file in your local Maven repository:

Build VJET from Command Line

Navigate to the root directory of your git VJET clone, then execute the maven command:

mvn clean install

After a successful build, you can find the generated VJET update site at:

# on build server with profile build-server you will see repo here
# on local build you will see unsigned jars here

Build VJET from Eclipse

1. Install an Eclipse version (3.8.x and above) with PDE support: []

2. Install m2eclipse from update site: []

3. Install egit plugins, find update site from []

4. Start a new Eclipse workspace, setup target environment to include VJET build dependent plugins:

  install nightly build as baseline

5. Import Projects

a) You can import all VJET projects by just selecting the root directory of the git repo Import -> Team -> Team Project Set, browse to your GIT Clone VJET root, select VjetProjectSet.psf and Finish.

b) Or, you can import a subset of VJET projects from Git Cloned VJET subdirectories: Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace, browse to your Git cloned VJET subdirectory, such as extmod, core, eclipse, or their subdirectories.

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