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Release 2.2.0 New and Noteworthy

Password Revealer

543398 - Password Reveal This widget is an extension of a password text field. It behaves like a password widget, but it allows the user to reveal the password. When one clicks on the "eye" button besides the field:

Contributor: Laurent Caron

Passwordrevealer1.png Passwordrevealer2.png


268499 - Tree Combo This widget is an extension of a CCombo text field. It allows user to select a data, but instead of displaying data as a list it displays data as a tree.

Contributor: Thomas Schindl and Laurent CARON



Bugs Fixed in this Release


See 2.2.0 project bugs page or the Bugzilla report Bugs Fixed in Nebula 2.2.0


The following people contributed to this release. In alphabetical order: To be done

Activity cloud:
Nebula N&N 2.2 - cloud.png

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