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Welcome to the Eclipse Nebula project. We love new contributions. We provide the Eclipse community with a large set of rich UI components. So thank you for considering your contribution.


New Users

Pull Requests

We use GitHub Pull Requests to accept all your patches on the Nebula GitHub repository.

See GitHub's extensive documentation on working with Pull Requests. Start with the GitHub flow overview and then continue with the rest of the documentation.

File a gitHub Issue

For administration purposes we require a GitHub issue for every pull request.

Reference the issue in the pull request

Reference the issue number in the Pull Request subject (e.g., "Add loading debug to XViewer #351")

Patches with a signed ECA

To provide patches to Nebula, sign the ECA (click on the ECA Form link in the bold paragraph, creating a new account if you do not have one already), fork Nebula on GitHub and submit a Pull Request.

Please always use a valid issue description and number and use the following commit message:

Add loading debug to XViewer #351 
<empty line>
A good description of the changes you made.

Add the new commits to the branch you used for the pull request to update an existing commit.

Patches without a signed ECA

We cannot accept patches, in any form, without a signed ECA.


You can find the Jenkins jobs here, which build the pull requests.

All members of the GitHub Eclipse organization should have their PRs built automatically as the whole organization is on the whitelist. All other PRs need to be approved before they are built for the first time. To approve a PR, you have to be an admin and say:

  • "ok to test" to accept this pull request for testing
  • "test this please" for a one-time test run
  • "add to whitelist" to add the author to the whitelist

If the build fails for various reasons, you can rebuild.

  • "retest this please" to start a new build

See the full documentation for the GitHub Pull Request plug-in for Jenkins.

Building locally

To build locally refer to the builds page

New Committers

Before you decide to contribute your code to Eclipse, keep in mind that your code must follow the EPL, Eclipse's Public License. This means that committers and contributors need to follow some rules.

A good overview of what this entails and how this affects you can be read here.

There are several ways you can contribute.

  1. A new project inside Nebula
  2. New widgets in the Nebula Release project (production-ready).
  3. New widgets in the Nebula Incubation project.
  4. Maintain existing widgets

If you choose the first option, please contact the Nebula lead through the mailing list and make your intentions clear. Then continue to read on this page.

New Widgets

The new widget process is described here:

Nebula/Contributions/New Widgets

Introduce Yourself

If we don't know you, please take the time to introduce yourself to the Nebula mailing list. Be elaborate. Things that you talk about could be your contributions, the bugs that you have filed, the patches that you committed, your experience in UI development, etcetera. We need to know that you are the kind of person that we want to have on board. If you are not comfortable with this, it could also be enough to point to the code that you want to contribute and tell us how this could be useful to the greater Nebula community.

You can subscribe to the mailing list on this page, you need an Eclipse account first, create one here. Let us know what your plans are and what your UI component does. Then wait for the discussion. If nothing happens immediately: be patient and persistent. We love new contributions.

Code Quality and Citizenship

Once part of the Nebula project, your code is visible to thousands of developers. Make sure that you provide quality code. Also, make sure that your widget is stable even if your API is not. The work that you provide represents the complete Nebula community. Ask on the list if you are not sure. Take a look at the widget author tips. The user interface is an essential part of any application.

Once you are in the project, take care of your bug reports and make sure that they are followed up. We require that you do not only take care of your own component and look after the greater Nebula together with the other active committers.

Add Documentation to the Wiki

Your component needs to be documented on the main Nebula wiki page.

Watch the repository

It is required that all committers watch the repository to stay up to date with what is going on in our community.

Become a committer

If you do not provide a new widget contribution but still want to become a Nebula committer, then the following applies:

Based on your role in the Eclipse community, you can become a full committer in the Nebula project. For this, you have to show commitment to the project by maintaining your code and play an active role in the Nebula community as a whole. Once this is established, you are invited by one of the current committers of the Nebula project to become a committer. If you feel that you are ready for full committer status, but you are not yet invited, you can solicit for the position yourself either through the list or by personal mail to the project lead.

The voting process is a formality, but you cannot have any votes against you (-1). Once you are voted in (three or more +1), you will be provided with an Eclipse committer ID by the Eclipse Webmasters.

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