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IdAS String Filters


While the current IFilter, IFilterAssertion (and sub-interfaces) are adequate to perform complex searches across an IdAS context, it is cumbersome to code to them. Furthermore, there is currently no way to represent a filter using a string such that it could be passed easily across a wire protocol



The following ABNF could be used to represent filters as strings. Note that I simply looked at the way today's IFilter is and extrapolated an ABNF.

filter       = LP filteritem RP
filteritem   = assertion / and / or / not
assertion    = attrpresent / 
               attreq /      
               attrge /      
               attrle /      
               attrsub /     
               eideq /       
and          = AMP 1*filter 
or           = BAR 1*filter
not          = EXC filter
attrpresent  = "a:" resource ; matches when an entity has an attribute (named by resource) present
attreq       = "a=:" resource SP value ; matches when an entity has an attribute (named by resource) with a value equal to value
attrge       = "a>=:" resource SP value ; matches when an entity has an attribute (named by resource) with a value greater or equal to value
attrle       = "a<=:" resource SP value ; matches when an entity has an attribute (named by resource) with a value less or equal to value
attrsub      = "a*:" resource SP value ; matches when an entity has an attribute (named by resource) with a value containing a substring of value
attrext      = "a(" matchrule ")" resource SP value ; matches when an entity has an attribute (named by resource) with a value matching value using the specified matchrule
eideq        = "eid=:" SP entityid ; matches when an entity has the id specified in entityid
etypeeq      = "etype=:" SP resource ; matches when an entity's type matches that specified in resource
resource     = URI ; typically specifies an attribute ID or entity type
value        = ; TODO: occurrences of RP must be escaped in values
               ; TODO: how are complex attr's represented?
               ; TODO: how are attr's on values represented? 
matchrule    = URI ; specifies a matching rule
LP           = %x28 ; left paren ("(")
RP           = %x29 ; right paren (")")
SP           = %x20 ; space (" ")
AMP          = %x26 ; ampersand ("&")
BAR          = %x7C ; vertical bar or pipe ("|")
EXC          = %x21 ; exclamation mark ("!")


Match for any entity with a telephone number of 888-555-1212 or 888-123-4567

(&(a=: 888-555-1212)(a=: 888-123-4567))

Match entities who's first name is Robert, Bob, or Bobby

(a( Robert)


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