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  • Christian Kurzke (Motorola)
  • Mauren Brenner (Eldorado)
  • Ruth Soliani (Eldorado)
  • (Daniel Franco (Eldorado) and Eric Cloninger (Motorola) are on vacation)


  • Galileo train release: The Galileo train release was completed last week.
  • 2009-2010 Roadmap: right now we are working on small bugs and improvements and will resume roadmap discussions later.
  • Rescoping efforts: Christian is going to ask the Eclipse Foundation representatives for their feedback.
  • Branching: there is going to be a maintenance release (3.5.1) of Eclipse in September, and current work can be done either in a 0.3.1 branch, or in a 0.4.0 branch, depending on whether it is associated with the maintenance release or the next major release of Eclipse (4.0). We're currently using 0.4.0 as an integration branch but we could rename it 0.3.1 depending on what is decided.
  • We might begin discussing work items (i.e. bugzilla entries) in the open meetings in order to make it easier for people to understand what we're working on. If this takes too much time, and/or we need more time to explain the project to newcomers, we might have two different meetings for committers (to discuss work items) and for the community at large (to discuss the project in general).

Action Items

  • Christian is going to look further into the branching issue.
  • Christian is going to ask Eclipse Foundation representatives for their feedback regarding project rescoping.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on July 13, 2009

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