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The Eclipse Development Process allows for a single PMC member, acting as a representative of the PMC, to approve a project committer nomination or a CQ submission. In DSDP, we have always had a more stringent process than this, because the projects are technically independent.

Prior to the November 2008 PMC meeting, the DSDP PMC required Committer nominations and CQ submissions to be approved by all of the PMC members before they passed. We generally held the vote open until all PMC members had voted, and we did not establish how many +1's were required. In general votes either did not complete or were unanimous.

At the November 2008 meeting, we discussed a change in the policy. Below is our new voting policy.

Committer Votes

DSDP PMC approval of committers will function similarly to project committer votes. When a project's committer vote starts, the project lead will notify the PMC of the nominated committer and the PMC vote will also commence so that the vote happens in parallel. The vote will be held open for one week (5 business days). There must be 3 +1 votes from the PMC, and no negative votes. All PMC members are encouraged to vote, and a 0 vote is acceptable if you have no time to examine the contribution record of the nominated committer.

CQ Vote

DSDP PMC approval of CQ's (contribution questionnaires) requires a +1 vote of 2 PMC members (not including the PMC lead of the project receiving the contribution) and no -1 votes. The vote will be held open for one week (5 business days). All PMC members are encouraged to vote, and a 0 vote is acceptable if you have no time to examine the CQ.

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