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DSDP/MTJ/Create Debug Class Automatically


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Short description:

A Java developer needs to create almost always a debug class to help finding out the errors and the places for improvement in the created source code.




Proposed:|Accepted: date_here

Community Review: review_date_here

Use Case Specification: Create debug class automatically

1. Brief Description

A Java developer needs to create almost always a debug class to help finding out the errors and the places for improvement in the created source code. The needed debug features are somewhat common in most of the projects. The system can create the debug class automatically with the common debug methods. If the developer wants to use a more specialized debug class, he can create it by hand.

2. Flow of events

2.1 Basic Flow

B1: The user chooses to create an automatic debug class.
B2: The system creates the debug class into the project.

2.2 Alternative flows

3. Special Requirements

4. Preconditions

4.1 Debug class creator is available
There is a debug class creator in the system which can be used to create automatically a debug class into the project.

5. Post Conditions 5.1 Debug class has been created
The system has created a debug class into the project with a set of debug methods which are available to be used in the project.

6. Extension Points


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