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Aperi Development Status Meeting 12/04/06

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Brocade (John Crandall), IBM (Craig Laverone, Todd Singleton, Chris King, Marcus Siegmund, Hans Lin, Rodica Ciurea, Simona Constantin, Helen Bergin, Ted Slupesky, Khan Tasinga, Bill Warren, Hai-Yann Hwang, Brenda Haynes, Dave Wolfe, Tom Guinane), Novell (Randy Stokes)


  • Project Leader Notes (Ted)
    • GUI changes for R3; schedule and roadmap
      • As part of the Eclipse requirements for exiting incubation, we need to incorporate the Eclipse rich client platform (RCP) into the Aperi GUI. This will get us to a full function GUI for Aperi.
      • We are looking to make these modifications in the Aperi 0.3 release (R3 timeframe on the Aperi roadmap).
      • It will require a slight modification (three weeks) to the existing 0.3 release timeframe – a move from early March to late March 2007
      • Ted asked for any comments or questions on this. Since there were no issues, this change was approved by the committers.
    • Eclipse website class
      • Helen and Tom attended the Eclipse “website school” given by Ward Cunningham. Our project was required to do this to properly report project status. Helen and Ryan went through the instructions prior to the class and with some small exceptions, Aperi was already compliant. They cleaned up the existing pages and Ryan addressed the one area of concern, the web site navigator, and made it compliant.
  • Release Lead Notes (Todd)
    • Status on 0.2 build, 3rd party packages:
    • Todd is working on the auto build, and will have it completed this week.
    • The post to the Aperi site will not be automated given our third party Contribution Questionnaire’s ( have not yet been approved.
  • Phase 2:
    • Updated Schedule - updates made in the schedule.
    • Implementation
      • Porting initial contribution defects to Bugzilla
        • Dave will sort through the defects and send each owner a note today to have them verify the validity of their defects.
        • If a defect is still valid, the owners will need to move them over to Bugzilla by the end of the week, 12/8
      • Porting tracks from 3.x
        • Khan has built a list of tracks
        • Ted will send out an email to component owners with the list asking them to see if the tracks apply and provide an estimate of how long they expect it will take to move them over.
    • IDVT
      • Test Status
      • Test still on track. The IDVT team executed 109 testcases with 95 of them successful for the week ending 12/01/06.
        • The success rate is a little behind the projection
      • The test team also added the following scenarios for our PII IDVT (which makes the total testcases now 187).
        • Performance test for both Derby & DB2 DB
        • Fabric Zone Control
        • Fabric Inband Agent
        • Disk Alerts
      • Several defects on Linux in the area of local installation on a remote server
        • Cannot install on Linux at all – the install db script does not work – all Linux tests are currently blocked
      • Set up development environments on test machine
        • Hans is still having problems running that. Khan indicated with the latest fixes, the test should be able to get running now. Hans will verify.
    • ID
      • Install instructions for 0.2 review – awaiting Todd’s review
      • Chris to put the latest documents out on the wiki
      • Development ID work – no issues
  • Action Items
Item Owner Target Status
Third Party Dependency Questionnaire Helen 11/30/06 Questionnaires submitted 9/6. - Helen has created tables in the IP Log to track the individual IPZilla entries for each Third Party Contribution Questionnaire.
Bug clean up Dave 11/28/06 Figure out what to do with the remaining Aperi initial contribution bugs. Either fix or move to Bugzilla. Tie into discussion regarding 0.2 migration at next Architecture meeting. Dave has started this activity ans we are tracking it in the implementation section. Removing the action item.
  • Other:
    • Eclipse Summit
    • Eclipse Con., Santa Clara, March 5-8 2007, Remaining KEY DATES:
      • December 1st - Long Talks and Panel proposals must be in.</li>
      • December 30th - Long Talks and Panels chosen.</li>
      • January 15th - Short Talks and Demos proposals must be in.</li>
      • January 30th - Short Talks and Demos chosen.</li>
    • Khan - Several SNIA Plugfests planned for 2007
      • Khan to talk to Kevin to find out the intent of each plugfest review with Brenda.

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