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Aperi Development Status Meeting 09/24/07

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IBM (Brenda Haynes, Dave Wolfe, Greg McBride, Ramani Routray, Tom Guinane) , LSI (Jenny Monessen)


  • Project Leader Notes:
    • SAN Simulator contribution:
      • Ramani has provided the build scripts to Todd. Tom to check with Todd.
    • Third Party Contribution Questionnaires
      • Questions on the SAN Simulator from Eclipse Legal – Tom will send to Ramani.
    • Aperi Open Defects - by priority
    • Road map planning requirements list and timeline
    • Getting good feedback from the community on future work in the aperi-dev discussions. Looking for feedback from community members for their priorities:
      1. The top five requirements you think Aperi needs to succeed
      2. The top five requirements your company needs as prerequisite to adopting or contributing to Aperi code base
      3. The top five requirements you might be willing to work on
  • Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
    • Build status
      • No updates today.
  • Development items/issues:
    • There has been a change in plans for some items for R0.4. Due to business priorities, part of the IBM Aperi team has been asked to temporarily assist the product development team. This moves the NAS and fabric line items out of the R 0.4 plan. After discussing options, the call participants decided to continue to deliver a Release 0.4 in 2007. At the architecture meeting on Wednesday, the open defects will be reviewed and Tom will contact some of the other companies to see if they would like to include anything in the fall release.
  • ID:
    • Online help issue: Eclipse based or Java help based?
    • ID plan for R4 – out for review – please take a look at it. Approve by Monday
  • Project Schedule:
    • Latest Schedule. Items updated in the schedule
    • Follow-on release planning
    • See update in the Development items/issues item above.
  • Action Items:
Item Owner Target Status
Obtain two mentors Tom 10/15/07 Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors. Harm Sluiman is one. Tom is searching for additional candidate.
Aperi Forum Tom 9/14/07 Suggested by Javier. Investigate setting up forums for Aperi communication. Looked into Friendly, easy to use, familiar to more forum users. Also includes a chat tool. Set up a sample forum Take a look and provide feedback. Checking out Eclipse IRC again
Document Control Tom 9/28/07 Write up text for Aperi document control.
Lessons Learned Follow-up Tom 9/21/07 Put results of Lessons Learned meeting for R0.3 into a table on the wiki with corresponding action items
cvs download statistics Tom 9/18/07 Investigate if we can get any numbers for our source code downloads.
  • Open Forum:
  • Other:
    • Roadmap planning. We have feedback from a few companies. Tom to contact others to get their priorities and create a draft roadmap fore everyone to see at the community meeting.
    • Next Meeting - 10/1/07

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