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Aperi Development Status Meeting 07/30/07

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Brocade (John Crandall), IBM (Brenda Haynes, Chris King, Christoph Reichert, Dave Wolfe, Dhiwakar Mani, Hans Lin, Simona Constantin, Todd Singleton, Tom Guinane)


  • Project Leader Notes:
    • Aperi webinar
    • SAN Simulator contribution
      • The author is currently renaming the packages to be able to load into cvs.
    • Third Party Contribution Questionnaires
      • No updates this week.
    • LinuxWorld
      • We have a great opportunity to participate in the upcoming LinuxWorld (Aug. 7- Aug. 9) in San Francisco. Eclipse has a 10'x10' booth in the .Org Pavilion, and they have offered the Aperi project to staff six time slots over the three-day event. See Allen Marin’s append on aperi-dev for more information. If you are in the Bay Area or will be at LinuxWorld, we could use your help to staff one of these time slots. Please take a look at the available time slots and send a note through the mailing list as soon as you can, so we can make arrangements with Eclipse. Thanks!
      • Aperi at LinuxWorld:
Time Tuesday, Aug. 7 Wednesday, Aug. 8 Thursday, Aug. 9
10:00 – 12:00 Tom Guinane Robert Wipfel Todd Singleton
2:00 – 3:30 Tom Guinane Alex Danoyan (to 4:00)
      • Tom to double check with Allen regarding expo badges. – Badges will provide access to the expo floor for participants while they are not at the Aperi /Eclipse booth.
  • Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
    • Build status
      • Interim build includes new installer code – please try it out!
      • SAN Simulator is an exciting opportunity for our project. We will need to create a build and an installer for it as well.
    • Install status – DB2 – resolved.
    • Europa migration status:
      • Download and run smoke tests for our familiar components. Any other problems?
      • Couple of problems when using the GUI – will keep this issue open for discussion.
      • Christoph gets class not found bringing up the GUI in the IDE. He will post the problem on aperi-dev to see if this is same problem as other GUI problem
  • Aperi Downloads:
    • Latest stats
      • Over 1000 downloads! Folded in the interim releases into the counts as people from all over the world are downloading them.
  • Development items/issues:
    • Rodica’s Self-Contained NAS Profile design: Checkpoint on readiness. NetApp team.
      • Brenda received response from the NetApp team, Dave needs to look it over. It will be posted on aperi-dev.
  • ID:
    • Online help issue: Eclipse based or Java help based?
    • ID plan for R4
    • Dave hosted meeting to run through the install instructions last Thursday. It went very well and we will incorporate doing these reviews for every milestone release.
  • Project Schedule:
    • Latest Schedule.
    • Follow-on release planning
    • Will start the process to collect requirements to build a follow-on to our Aperi Roadmap.
  • Action Items:
Item Owner Target Status
Obtain two mentors Tom 8/15/07 Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors. Tom has started a list of [ potential mentor names. Harm Sluiman has agreed to be out mentor. Tom talked to Harm a few weeks ago. Tom is searching for additional candidate.
Web Meetings Tom 7/17/07 Suggested by Javier. Investigate using web meetings for Aperi. Looked into Fully functional web meeting tool. Looks pretty, but difficult to install and get running. Had numerous errors, had to restart it several times and the experience was not intuitive. Woud need extensive instructions just to get past the install. Suggest we use IBM webmeetings in the mean time.
Aperi Forum Tom 7/19/07 Suggested by Javier. Investigate setting up forums for Aperi communication. Looked into Basic function was there, but the administration was complex and general use did not seem intuitive. Looked into Friendly, easy to use, familiar to more forum users. Also includes a chat tool. Set up a sample forum Take a look and provide feedback. Would like to set up an Aperi forum there.
Document Control Tom 7/31/07 Write up text for Aperi document control.
Lessons Learned Follow-up Tom 8/03/07 Put results of Lessons Learned meeting for R0.3 into a table on the wiki with corresponding action items
cvs download statistics Tom 7/31/07 Investigate if we can get any numbers for our source code downloads.
  • Open Forum:
  • Other:
    • Next Meeting - 8/6/07

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