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Aperi Development Status Meeting 04/28/08

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Dial in numbers:

Toll Free: 877-421-0029 International: 770-615-1246 Passcode: 003399


IBM (Al Heitman, Dave Wolfe, Chris King, Russ Warren, Todd Singleton)


  • Project Leader Notes:
    • 2008 planning (R0.5)
      • The schedule is going through some churn with some changes in the estimates and resource availability for some of the work items. Al is meeting with Dave and Todd today to review their sections 1 on 1. We need to watch that the eclipse legal review doesn’t become critical path. Al had to get aggressive on those estimates in order to keep it off the critical timeline. Al will review those estimates with Tom.
      • Still need milestones for Virtual Fabric / FC Security spec. from Brocade. John indicated he would provide that once he returned to work.
      • Still need milestones for Linux HA Cluster support from Novell. Robert indicated he could provide that the first part of May.
      • Al met with Ramani last week on the SAN Simulator R2. Ramani is going to write the IDVT test plan and consult with Hans Lin. Ramani and colleagues will provide 75% of IDVT testing while Al will provide 25%. Ramani has a machine we can use for running IDVT and we can use IBM Almaden’s Research Center’s SAN for live snapshot testing. Al will check with Todd and Hans to see if we have one other machine to use. Ramani indicated that there are no new 3rd party libraries for this contribution. Al will initiate committer code review once Ramani gets the code checked in and we get partially through the IDVT test cycle.
    • Aperi Committers:
      • The following committers still need the legal “paperwork” completed before full committer access is granted.
        • John Crandall
        • Jenny Monesson
  • Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
    • Build status/process
      • Todd ran a build for SAN Simulator.
      • Development environment instructions need to be updated - Todd is investigating.
      • Todd ran into a problem with compilation on the new system. He built the code using the old build system and posted the build artifacts. Todd is driving the investigation of the compilation problem with Jerry Williams. It appears to be a tools mismatch in the new build environment.
  • Aperi Downloads:
  • Development items/issues:
  • IDVT:
  • ID:
    • Chris is working on the ID plan update. Chris also tested some help system conversions from Java based to Eclipse based help to validate the process.
  • Project Schedule:
  • Action Items:
Item Owner Target Status
Obtain two mentors Al 03/31/08 Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors. Harm Sluiman is one. ‘’’Changed ownership to Al. Tom will discuss with Al during PM transfer meetings.’’’
Document Control Al 01/29/08 Write up text for Aperi document control. Tom will work with Al to transfer ownership to Al.
Post the new tutorials out on Eclipse Live. Al 03/11/08 Tom talked to Allen M. about posting on Eclipse Live. Al set up a meeting with Allen Marin about this and other website updates tomorrow.
SNIA Scalefest San Simulator Snapshot. Tom 02/29/08 Ramani has the snapshot. Al will get status from Ramani.
Update Aperi websites to help clarify support process Al 03/31/08 Al updated the “Getting Started” web page to indicate support process. Check out the updates here subscribe. Also the project meta-data needed correction. Al completed this last week. There is a new “About this Project” standard page required. Al updated the main web page for the new requirement; however, there are some cosmetic issues with the generated page. Al worked with the Eclipse folks last week to fix this. Al needs to change the description URL pointer in project meta-data to a different page. Al also set up a meeting with Ryan Doherty and Allen Marin to go over issues with the web-site. Some of the web pages have not been updated for 6 months or more.
  • Other:
    • 2008 SNIA Storage Developer Conference:
      • Sept 22-25, 2008, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Santa Clara, CA
      • Call for Presentations
      • Deadline for Submission of Proposals - Friday, March 28
      • Martine will discuss with Dave to decide if they can attend/present. Al will get an update from Martine.
    • Aperi Community meeting is scheduled for May 1. Note there is a new time – 5:30 PM EDT / 2:30 PM PDT.
    • Next Meeting 05/05/08
  • Open Forum:

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