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Aperi Development Status Meeting 04/14/08

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Toll Free: 877-421-0029 International: 770-615-1246 Passcode: 003399


IBM (Al Heitman, Chris King, Todd Singleton)


  • Project Leader Notes:
    • 2008 planning (R0.5)
      • Finalizing the schedule.
        • Al met with Robert Wipfel from Novell last week. He indicated that he would provide milestones in the first week of May for the Linux HA Cluster Support.
        • Brocade’s Virtual Fabric / FC security spec. Al met with John Crandall last week and his outlook is 2H08 for this item. John is out of the office for the next few weeks. Al will work with him to get these milestones after he returns.
        • LIC/SSO complete.
        • Java Help – Have the install / build estimates from Todd. Al has a meeting with Dave and Chris for later this week on the UI code change estimates.
        • Need to establish tracking milestones for the external dependencies.
        • Aperi 0.5 IDVT – Al and Hans worked on this estimate last week and updated the schedule.
        • SAN Simulator updates are planned. Support is being added for Derby, multiple database instances, DS 6000 and 8000 currency, and support for CIM control functions for ESS. Need to cover IDVT for SAN Simulator. Hans sized this as 1 PM. Al needs to determine plan for this test cycle.
    • Aperi Committers:
      • Still waiting on candidate paperwork for John Crandall, Allen Marin and Jenny Monesson.
  • Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
    • Build status/process
      • Todd ran a build for SAN Simulator. Still need to get status from Ramani on the SAN Simulator 0.2 release.
      • Development environment on Windows issue - Todd will start investigating this week.
      • Aperi builds need to switch to iText.jar version 1.5.4 - Al set up a meeting for later today to discuss with Todd.
  • Aperi Downloads:
    • Latest stats
    • Aperi webinar
      • March totals for the month are 221 total, 142 for SRM, and 79 for SAN Simulator.
      • April totals to date are 78 total, 43 for SRM and 35 for SAN Simulator.
  • Development items/issues:
    • SSO status: Todd was unable to find a client yet. He is experiencing some issues with the LDAP server and trying to get run-time debugging working. Todd is still on schedule. Finding a security client is a risk item.
  • IDVT:
  • ID:
    • Chris plans to have ID plan update complete this week and expects to have something out by next week for review.
  • Project Schedule:
    • Latest Schedule.
    • Al plans to post an updated schedule later this week.
  • Action Items:
Item Owner Target Status
Obtain two mentors Al 03/31/08 Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors. Harm Sluiman is one. ‘’’Changed ownership to Al. Tom will discuss with Al during PM transfer meetings.’’’
Document Control Al 01/29/08 Write up text for Aperi document control. Tom will work with Al to transfer ownership to Al.
Post the new tutorials out on Eclipse Live. Al 03/11/08 Tom talked to Allen M. about posting on Eclipse Live. Tom will work with Al to transfer ownership of this item.
SNIA Scalefest San Simulator Snapshot. Tom 02/29/08 Tom talked to Mike Walker who talked to SNIA folks, no problem with taking a snapshot, however, the snapshot cannot be publish on Aperi. Ok for use by IBM and any other paying plug-fest member companies. Ramani will do snapshot and working on determining if he has the proper access. There was a suggestion to post the snapshot to SMI LAB web space which is only available by paying member companies.
Update Aperi websites to help clarify support process Al 03/31/08 Al updated the “Getting Started” web page to indicate support process. Check out the updates here subscribe
iText.jar version Al / Todd 04/21/08 Todd will move to iText.jar version 1.5.4. Al will submit CQ for this.
  • Other:
  • Open Forum:

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