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Aperi Development Status Meeting 01/21/08

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Brocade (John Crandall), IBM (Chris King, Dave Wolfe, Hans Lin, Martine Wedlake, Ramani Routray, Todd Singleton, Tom Guinane,)


  • Project Leader Notes:
    • SAN Simulator
      • Testing completed successfully last week and we announced the SAN Simulator
      • There was a great deal of interest in this tool from the user community while it was in development and we hope it does well now that Release 1 is out.
      • Thank you to Ramani, Hans, Todd, and Chris for their work in the last several weeks to make this happen, especially Ramani and Hans who worked side by side for periods of time to work through the issues. Nice job team!
    • 2008 planning (R0.5)
      • Lots of activity to kickoff the strategy and direction for this year:
      • Aperi Community Technical Call this Thursday, 1/24, 5:00pm Eastern, to discuss the themes for 2008.
      • Aperi Community Business Call next Thursday, 1/31, 5:00pm Eastern, to discuss 2008 plan commitments, Spring SNW and other business.
  • Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
    • Build status
    • Build process – continuing to work through the issues with the build team and making progress.
  • Aperi Downloads:
    • Latest stats
      • New charts show downloads through end of the year.
      • So far in January we have about 90 SRM and 30 simulator downloads
      • Aperi has crossed over the 2000 downloads milestone!
    • Aperi webinar - 229 views
  • Development items/issues:
    • Note from asahi asahi <> - I do not have much knowledge on ecute plugins. I had check out ecute 3x from I had also downloaded and installed standalone apps, eclipse-cim-explorer and analyzer. How can I build/export ecute3x. I am not using RSA/RSM.
    • Martine will respond.
  • IDVT:
    • Test Status
    • Aperi Total Open Defects - by priority & severity
    • No high severity defects
    • Hans will create a Bugzilla report for enhancements so we can see what is in the queue.
  • ID:
    • No updates.
  • Project Schedule:
    • Latest Schedule. –
      • No updates for today
  • Action Items:
Item Owner Target Status
Obtain two mentors Tom 03/31/08 Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors. Harm Sluiman is one. ‘’’Tom to talk to potential candidates at EclipseCon in March.’’’
Document Control Tom 01/29/08 Write up text for Aperi document control.
  • Other:
    • Next Meeting 1/28/08
    • SRM R0.4 and SAN Simulator R0.1 Lessons Learned: - The intent is get feedback from the community on their Release 0.4 and SAN Simulator experience and provide suggestions for improvement for follow on releases.
      • Topics for discussion include, but are not limited to:
        • requirements and planning
        • implementation / code
        • information development
        • third party components
        • integration / build
        • test
        • availability
        • tools; cvs, bugzilla, wiki, home page, etc.
        • project management, tracking, meetings, mailing lists, communication, etc.
      • Team feedback:
        1. Post to aperi-dev instead of sending email. Everyone benefits. The more communication we have on the mailing list, the better.
        2. Smoke tests catch items ahead of time like CIMOM 5.2 and are very valuable. Continue running smoke tests.
        3. JRE version support – we currently support V1.5. We are bound to Eclipse, which is running V1.5
          • recommend people download 1.5, install and run with that.
          • Make a change to the install instructions, put into a special location, the zip file, expand, and point everything for that. JRE for Aperi is a fixed entity.
          • Aperi checks for JRE is for 5 and above, but should be specifically for 1.5
          • SAN Simulator – people need to install JDK 1.5, especially in order to work with SRM
        4. DB2 download, next release, check DB2 support prior to IDVT
        5. SAN Simulator snapshot support – great feature, need to have a large scale snapshot that we can use for future test
        6. We need to put more of an effort into our document reviews. Provide the material earlier in the cycle and the team needs to make sure they take the time to reirew.
    • EclipseCon 2008
      • EclipseCon 2008, March 17-20 in Santa Clara, CA.
      • Aperi abstracts submitted:
        • SAN Simulator - #437 (Ramani)
        • Aperi: Open Storage Management - #479 (Tom)
      • Important Dates:
        • January 19th - Submissions open for posters and BOFs
  • Open Forum:

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