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WTP Performance Tests/2008-08-18


Gary Karasiuk
Angel Vera
Mark Hutchinson Y
Nick Sandonato Y
Carl Anderson Y
Kaloyan Raev
Raghu Srinivasan Y
Neil Hauge Y
David Williams Y


Progress of a patch towards generating graphs for performance data
Has everyone identified and tried to run a single test case?


  • Progress was made with some components identifying a single testcase--no problems in executing those tests
  • Why graphs cannot be generated currently for our performance tests:
    • Hardcoded component patterns (org.eclipse.ui, org.eclipse.jdt.core, etc.) prevented our results from being recorded
    • Required the JVM to be specified as "sun"
    • The errors that occurred were often NPEs or something that wasn't very helpful in identifying the root of the problem
  • Nick has a patch for at least allowing WTP components to generate graphs
  • Reiteration of the fact that these performance tests will be run as part of our build

Action items

Remaining components should work on their single performance test and try to get it to run
Nick is to create a bug under releng to supply the patch to get graph generation working for WTP


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