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TigerstripeF2f 20080421 ImportExport

UML2 Export from Tigerstripe

  • Uml2 export wasn't considering project dependencies/modules. Now does 224666.
  • But:
    • each exported dependency gets its own XMIId. Which means, there could be a problem re-importing a common dependency.
    • Needs to be tried with RSM (or any other UML tools)
    • Upon export a UML profile is created to include stereotypes corresponding to Tigerstripe's metamodel (ManagedEntity, Datatype, etc...)

UML2 Import from Tigerstripe

  • Redo the whole thing.
  • Requirements:
    • TS -> UML -> TS
      • 100% of the model
      • 0% of the Diagrams
    • RSM -> UML -> TS -> UML -> RSM
      • 0% Diagrams
      • Best effort on model, UI guided (Wizard)
  • Import in 3 steps:
    • S1: Optional Model Trimming. Thru extension point, allow to implement additional logic to trim model, do delta, etc...
    • S2: Map from UML into TS Metamodel. IMplemented as an Extension point. By default, TS will provide implementation that looks for TS stereotypes.
    • S3: Wizard for last resort unmapped UML artifacts. User gets to choose the target TS artifact type.

Then import happens. Including delta with target model if it exists.

  • profile import/export needs to be revisited.
  • The project and its references would be imported as separate units.

NOTE: the artifact compare library is currently outside of the framework. It needs to be pulled in so it is available in the UML import.


Tigerstripe-F2f 200804-UML.JPG

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