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Equinox/Meeting Minutes/20100316


  • Jeff
  • Tom
  • Andrew
  • DJ
  • Pascal


  • Rampdown stuff
  • API changes in p2
  • Target provisioning status?



  • M6 is passed. Now all API changes need to go through Equinox list and leadership

API changes

  • What is the status of p2?
  • there are some changes that are coming to clarify the new API
  • need to balance churn for getting it right
  • there are a number of things that relate to stuff that people are unlikely to be using
  • would be good to get an API usage report on Helios M6
  • Pascal will make available some bug reports that describe the changes.

What is the status of the target provisioning stuff

  • Nothing done yet.
  • not likely to have progress on it until mid M7
  • consider looking at something higher up to just solve the user level issue

Breaking out Equinox builds

  • there was some hints in a blog by Kim that we might be able to break the Eclipse/Equinox build down into smaller parts
  • Looks like there are still issues around doing this
  • Not likely to be dealt with in the near future

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