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Eclipse DemoCamps Helios 2010/Ottawa

Eclipse-camp.gif What is an Eclipse DemoCamp?


The Code Factory
246 Queen St., 2nd Floor (between Bank and Kent)
South side of Queen above the Green Papaya

Date and Time

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
7:00pm - 10:00pm


Eclipse logo.png Oracle.jpg


Lynn Gayowski, Eclipse Foundation


A few photos from the Ottawa DemoCamp are on Picasa


If you would like to present at the DemoCamp, please feel free to add your name and topic to the list. We can accommodate a maximum of 6 demos.

  1. Karen Butzke, What's new in Dali for Helios
  2. Doug Schaefer, CDT's continuing path towards world domination
  3. Andrew Eidsness -- Models, Generated Code, and the CDT
  4. Kenn Hussey, EMF on the Web
  5. Mike Norman -- Mashup across 3 Ecosystems: Google Data, EclipseRT & Eclipse RCP

Who Is Attending

If you plan on attending please add your name and company to the list below. If you have any trouble with the wiki, just send an email to lynn at eclipse dot org.

  1. Lynn Gayowski, Eclipse Foundation
  2. Jeff McAffer, EclipseSource
  3. Doug Clarke, Oracle
  4. Shaun Smith, Oracle
  5. Karen Butzke, Oracle
  6. Doug Schaefer, Wind River
  7. Charles Godwin, CA, Inc.
  8. Andrew Eidsness, jfront inc.
  9. Mike Norman, Oracle
  10. Olivier Thomann, IBM
  11. Kenn Hussey, Cloudsmith
  12. Rodrigo Peretti, IBM
  13. Pascal Rapicault, Sonatype
  14. Matthew Piggot, Sonatype
  15. Simon Kaegi, IBM
  16. Boris Bokowski, IBM
  17. Andrew Niefer, IBM
  18. Nick Edgar, IBM
  19. Tod Creasey, IBM
  20. Anthony Dahanne, Compuware
  21. Christian Bourgeois, Compuware
  22. Philippe Caussignac, Compuware
  23. Sebastien Angers, Compuware
  24. Bill Davidson, ClydesdaleMeadows
  25. Perri Lavergne, Eclipse Foundation
  26. Jianqiang Shi, Omnitrol
  27. Mikhail Khodjaiants, CodeSourcery
  28. Gordon Yorke, Oracle
  29. Andreas Fischbach, SAP
  30. Adrian Görler, SAP
  31. Mitesh Meswani, Oracle

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