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DSDP/MTJ/Phone Meeting 22-Feb-2007



  • Kevin Horowitz, IBM
  • Craig Setera
  • Rauno Seppälä, Nokia


some relevant notes from previous minutes left here, as they still apply


Let's fill in Target Milestones to wiki Release 2 Planning in order to see the content for M2.

Status of feature list

No changes

Status of use cases

No Changes

Content of M2


MTJ static info; Arto has done this, is the code checked in. Kevin to provide use cases.

Generic SDK; ready to check in

Support for multiple devices? (Check from Arto)

Let's continue to plan via Release 2 Planning using Target Milestone field.


  • Craig will reopen the bug report in Bugzilla
The bug reopened. No responses.


Label the tree with M1, M2 etc. The last nightly build on the month. This wasn't done after M1.

In M1 there are dependencies to some plugins, check Arto. -> Legal process

  • VE, GEF
  • J2ME Polish

AP: Arto: Create features to Bugzilla.

Target Management

  • Arto to find out support from S60 and Symbian for Target Management

Next meeting

  • Next one on the 22nd of February, 2007

Action Points


AP: Arto to send sample midlet to Kevin.
AP: Arto to provide a summary of areas that he needs help, ONGOING
AP: Kevin to provide Use Cases. ONGOING
AP Rauno: Provide two weeks commenting time for UI and Flow Designer cases, then officially approve them. ONGOING:
This will continue as readabilty of wiki pages wasn't good enough.

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