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CardSync Closed Design Issues


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Should we use WebDAV?

Reasons For:

  • reduces our development effort as this protocol is designed for resource synchronization. And that's what we're doing
  • mature, widely supported. Being used in new projects such as Mozilla Weave.

Reasons Against:

  • Not RESTful. WebDAV extends the HTTP verb set. As such is deprecated by the W3C.
  • Can interfere with web cache architectures


  • We will NOT use WebDAV

Should we use Google protocol buffers?

Reasons For:

  • Mature
  • High performance
  • Good libraries in both C++ and Java

Reasons Against:

  • Question: Might using protobuf reduce the likelyhood of the CardSpace team collaborating with us and potentially using the CardSync Web App? <-- an outcome that would increase interoperability in the industry


  • We will NOT use Google protocol buffers

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