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Auto IWG WP5

WP5: Eclipse Qualification Process Support

The content has been created from the work package 5 of the Automotive Industry Working Group in the years 2012 and 2013. In 2014 it is applied to build a qualification kit for an Eclipse-based build framework of a big automotive supplier.


The main result of the working group is that it is possible to qualify software that has been developed with Eclipse. The choosen approach conforms to the DO-330, ISO 26262, IEC 61508, EN 50128 and is based on a qualification model that contains the relevant infomation to generate the required qualification documents.

The following results have been achieved for Eclipse

* Qualification Process
* Roadmap for Tool Support
* Qualification Model (Internal Draft)
* Tool Development Plan (Internal Draft)
* Tool Qualification Plan (Internal Draft)
* Overview Document "How-To-Qualify Eclipse-Based Tools" (Draft), see HowToQualifyEclipseBasedTools.pdf

The other internal docuemtns have to be reviewed and validated before beeing published. This can be done during cooperation with interested tool providers.

Qualification Process and Roadmap

The goal is not to qualify Eclipse completly but to enable tool developers using Eclispe as a plattform to develop qualifyable plugins.

We have identified the DO-330 as first, domain independant tool qualification standard that satisfies the requirements of the main safety standards and hence we use the DO-330 as baseline for tool qualification.

We have specified a roadmap to provide an infrastructure that support the develment of qualifyable Eclipse plugins by gathering all relevant qualification information (from requirements to tests) in the tool qualification model. See An overview of the concept has been published at the openCert 2012 conference, see and

There is a qualification model and a development process using this model that is compliant to DO-330 (all TQLs). Furthermore there is a project plan to implement Eclipse-based tool support to ease the development of qualifiable plugins. However before starting to implement this qualification support, in an Eclipse project that extends the Eclipse plugin mechanism there has to be the market demand and the financing for this project.

Our current experience is that it suffices to fill the qualification model manually and to build a qualification kit based on this manual information. This is compliant to all standards, but not for the highest TQLs (1,2,3) of the DO-330. The effort for creating a tool qualification kit depends on the available features and test cases. Typically this is an effort for some weeks or months and requires cooperation from the provider of the tool and our qualification experts. While the Eclipse infrastructure is not in place we can use the Validas tool qualification tools to qualify Eclipse-based tools. see

With this step by step approach there is no need start with development of big automated infrastructure, but it enables us to qualify Eclipse tools now. See the presentation in Ludwigsburg for more details.


The qualification support has been developer from the Eclipse automotive working group 5 in accordance with the Polarsys working group.

  • WP Lead: Virtual Vehicle (M. Driussi)
  • Roadmap Lead: Validas AG (O. Slotosch)

Meetings and Activities:

Kick off Meeting 07.03.2012. The meeting protocol can be found here [1]

Webex session every two weeks on Wednesday 13 to 15 pm. Next Webex Meeting 22.08.2012 13p.m. (invitation is coming via email)

A List of past Minutes of Meeting

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